
This page hosts UnirationalPointedCurves.m2, a supporting Macaulay2 file for the paper "On the unirationality of moduli spaces of pointed curves".

Authors: Hanieh Keneshlou, Fabio Tanturri

Last update: 7 December 2020

The file can be downloaded here. It contains the routines needed to check the assertions made in the aforementioned paper. The first part contains a few general functions which are needed in the second part. The second part is divided according to the theorems appearing in the paper which need some computational verification:

1. Theorem 3.3

2. Theorem 3.5 [previously Theorem 3.4 in 2003.07888v1]

3. Theorem 3.8 [previously Theorem 3.7 in 2003.07888v1]

4. Theorem 4.2 and Remark 4.4 [previously Theorem 4.1 in 2003.07888v1]

Every entry above is a hyperlink to an .html file showing the execution on Macaulay2 of the corresponding commands. This can be used to preview the results of the computations and see what the output should look like.

Instructions on how to execute the file:

Download it somewhere.

Open M2 from the directory containing the file.

Execute the commands reported in the second part of the file.

Caveat: this file has been written while using version 1.15 of Macaulay2. Any older version might show some problem while executing it.